Taking Stock of the Year so Far

Where does the time go? We are already through the first quarter of 2014 and it seems like it was just Christmas! Holy cow! Time flies when you are working hard or having fun, but with ¼ of 2014 already gone this is a great time to take stock of your year and see how it’s going. Below are some of the highlights of my year so far and what is happening over here at Jeppesen Financial Services.


I started out this year with relational, creative, and business goals written down. Every morning this year I have been reviewing my goals and allowing myself to get excited about them (yes, to the point of jumping up and down). Reviewing my goals on a daily basis helps me get inspired, which is kind of like a shower; it doesn’t last long, but I need it on a regular basis to stay fresh. So every morning I read the goals, get excited and follow a list of things I must do for that particular day. At the time of this writing my business goals are slightly behind (but better than ever), the creative goals are certainly lagging, and I am actually way ahead in my relational goals (that was a surprise). So now I know I need to make a few adjustments to my activities in order to achieve all my goals for 2014.
If you are like me and find that some of your goals/resolutions for the year are not going exactly as planned, then don’t beat yourself up (I have found guilt to be an unproductive emotion), bur rather give yourself grace, change your approach, and keep taking action! My daily morning inspiration of reading my goals in writing helps me keep taking action even when things get tough. And the great part about this new spring season is a fresh start. If you have not set any goals for the year yet there is still time! Zig Ziglar is quoted as saying, “If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time”. Even if I don’t hit all my goals, I know I am more productive than not having any goals at all.


This year I have refined my budgeting techniques and even posted blogs and video content about it at JepFin.com. The reason I have become so passionate about budgeting is because I want all my clients to win with their money. Uncontrolled credit card debt, lack of savings, or unchecked spending may be of no great consequence in the short run, but I have seen the difficulties it has caused people over the long run. The late Jim Rohn said, “Failure is nothing more than a few simple errors in judgment repeated everyday”. When I did not have a budget I was not even aware of the errors I was making! You can learn more on budgeting at www.jepfin.com.

Good Reads so far in 2014

Values Based Financial Planning by Bill Bachrach. Bachrach has an awesome approach to financial planning by starting with the simple question: “What is important about money to you?” This helps his clients understand their core values, how it relates to their financial aspirations, and communicate them to a professional. It also helps give a holistic approach to financial planning. So, what is important about money to you?
Success is not an Accident by Tommy Newberry. A great book that deals with goal-setting, living with intentionality, and personal development. One thing Newberry reminded me in this book is that success does not mean you have to live an unbalanced life.
Lesson of History by Will & Ariel Durant. This is a fascinating read noting observations between socialist and capitalistic economies over time, the rise of civilizations, and how it relates to human behavior. Even though this book was printed in the 1960’s, there are many valuable insights to be gained as the authors recognize patterns in how cultures change throughout history. An incredible read I would recommend.
It has been a blessing to be able to serve you and I wish you a prosperous spring season, financially and relationally!

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